Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub


Silicon Valley Open Studios

Abstraction No. 2 (Entanglement) | 40×20”| India Ink, Graphite and Acrylic on Canvas | 2023


I am pleased to have several pieces included in Continuity - a group exhibition at the Coastal Arts League in Half Moon Bay, California featuring local women artists from the Women’s Caucus for the Arts. The exhibition runs from January 30 through March 3, 2025. The gallery is open Thursday through Monday from 11am-5:00pm.

300 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, California

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Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub

Abstractions: A Celebration of Color, Form and Texture

Silicon Valley Open Studios

Entrenchment No. 1 | 30×15” | Acrylic, Graphite, and Aquarelle Pencil on Canvas | 2024


I am excited to be featured in the upcoming group exhibition, "Abstractions: A Celebration of Color, Form, and Texture," at the Metal Haus Gallery in San Francisco. The exhibition runs from January 10 through February 28, 2025. The gallery is open is open Friday through Sunday by appointment, and Saturdays from 12-5pm.

The opening reception is on January 10, 2025 from 5-8pm. RSVP here.

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Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub


Silicon Valley Open Studios

Seaweed Entanglement No. 3 | 24×20” | Acrylic and India Ink on Canvas


I was selected for Chaos, a group show at the O'Hanlon Center for the Arts, juried by Chester Arnold, Professor of Fine Art at the College of Marin, and oil painter represented by Catherine Clark Gallery. The exhibition runs from November 19 through December 19, 2024.

There is an artist roundtable discussion and reception on Tuesday, December 3, from 4pm - 7pm. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, CA

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Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub


Silicon Valley Open Studios


One of my Glacier paintings was selected for Blue at the O'Hanlon Center for the Arts, juried by Sarah Shepard of the Sarah Shepard Gallery in Larkspur. Please view the online exhibit, exhibition catalog and the Artist talk at the link below. The show will be live from October 29 - December 31, 2024.

Blue - O’Hanlon Center for the Arts

Sarah Shepard

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Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub


Silicon Valley Open Studios


As humans, we can express ourselves in many ways--using our voice, body, language, gestures and the written word. Sponsored by the Hayward Art Council and Women’s Caucus for the Arts (Peninsula). Co-curated by Ruey Syrop and Glen Meyers.

Monday July 29 - Thursday September 12, 2024

Closing Reception: Thursday, September 12 from 5:00 - 7:00pm

John O'Lague Galleria Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Hayward, CA

Entanglement (Curvilinear #1). Acrylic and India Ink on Canvas, 36x48in. 2023.

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Wendy Lowengrub Wendy Lowengrub

Open Studio

Silicon Valley Open Studios


Silicon Valley Open Studios SVOS May 11-12, 2024 11 AM - 5 PM

Palo Alto Art Studios

4030 Transport Street Palo Alto, California 94301

I will keep the artwork shown in the studio in place for the week following Open Studios if you are unable to attend that weekend. Please email me info@wendylowengrub.com to schedule an appointment.

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Selected Exhibitions


Ripples, University of California San Francisco Law School, San Francisco California.

Women Create, 1202 Contemporary, Gilroy, California.

Continuity, Coastal Arts League, Half Moon Bay California.

Abstraction, MetalHaus Gallery, San Francisco, California.

Annual Member’s Show, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, Mill Valley, California.


Chaos, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, juried by Chester Arnold, Professor of Fine Art at the College of Marin. Mill Valley, California

Blue, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, juried by Sarah Shepard of the Sarah Shepard Gallery. Online.

Vote, Works/San Jose.

Expressions, John O’Lague Galleria City Hall, Hayward California.

Secret Public Selves, Works/San Jose.

Silicon Valley Open Studios, Palo Alto, California.

Strictly Abstract, O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, juried by Anthony Meier of the Anthony Meier Gallery and President of Art Dealers Association of America. Online.


Featured Artist. Exhibit with Cindy Stokes (Photographer), “Glaciology with Nature and Patterns” Kaleid Gallery, San Jose, California.


Solo Exhibit, “Quilted Small Paintings” Phantom Galleries, North First Street, San Jose California.

Solo Exhibit, Vino Locale, 431 Kipling Street, Palo Alto, California.

Silicon Valley Open Studios. 4030 Transport Street, Palo Alto, California.

Artsfest San Francisco, Spectra Ball, Regency Ballroom, San Francisco.

Palo Alto Art Center, Artist Showcase for New Members, Palo Alto, California.

Solo Exhibit “Glaciers and Lines” Axis Cafe and Art Gallery, San Francisco, California.


Group Exhibition, LiveWorkSpace on Lambert, Palo Alto, California

Solo Exhibit, “Constructions” Phantom Galleries, North First Street, San Jose, California.

Gallery Blu, Valentine Show, Santa Clara, California.


PEEK into Open Studios, Palo Alto, California.

Corporate Art Exhibition, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California.


Silicon Valley Open Studios, Palo Alto, California


Winter Art Show, Xian Space, The Blue Warehouse, Berkeley, California.

Celebrating Diversity, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, California.

Fresh Flesh, The Crucible Steel Gallery, San Francisco, California.


Pushing the Figure, The Crucible Steel Gallery, San Francisco, California.